Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Please Excuse Minor Errors

I am a perfectionist by nature. When I worked full time as a professional, I spent the majority of my day putting extensive amounts of procedures, data, and tests into the language an average middle schooler or high schooler could understand. During my years in the workforce I developed a writing style which was clear, concise, and precise. Unfortunately, I have lost some of my touch lately while I spend my days doing things that I consider much more valuable, primarily being completely available to my family.

So, I ask my readers to please excuse my grammatical errors and inconsistencies and my spelling mistakes. Thanks!


Orthonomics said...

Welcome Ger Tzadik and thanks for your vote of confidence.

Pragmatician said...

I'm strongly of the opinion that content is much more important than spelling and grammar, and

Orthonomics said...

I hope you enjoy the content in that case!