Sunday, September 27, 2009

Shana Tova and Mechila

I just want to wish my readers a wonderful year of health, beracha, and parnasah. I wish the same to all of the important institutions that we rely on to provide a rich communal life and take care of the less fortunate. I really try hard to make sure that this blog focuses on ideas, rather than people or institutions. Ultimately, I hope this blog contributes to greater financial health within the kehilla and not ch"v hurt feelings. But if anything I have written has been hurtful, please do grant mechila. And an easy fast for all.


ProfK said...

And a healthy, blessing-filled year to you too SL. And if a comment of mine has hurt your or someone else's feelings, I, too, ask mechila.

Shoshana Z. said...

Your blog has literally changed my life for the better. I hope to keep incorporating your ideas into our life in the new year. Many blessings to you and your family. Gamar chasima tova...