Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Mazal Tov!

Since it has been announced in the j-blogs, I might as well write a few random and not so random thoughts about our most recent simcha: the birth of a now healthy and happy baby girl. She is beautiful, snuggly, calm, and content. There is nothing more we could ask for and we have such hakarat hatov to HaKadosh Baruchu for the opportunity to be mechanech a child once again.

G-d willing, I will have a smooth recovery and be able to get off these pain killers which make me feel terrible and make me wonder why anyone would take such things voluntarily. Unfortunately, the past few days, I've had a number of complications, many of which explain my absence. Giving birth is apparently not my forte. But, ultimately, what counts is how one raises their children, and my life goal is to do that successfully.

Bring a baby into klal yisrael is always exhilarating. But, one of the things I marvel at the most is the pure chessed that exists in our communities. Whether new parents needs meals, assistance with chores or errands, help with other children, etc, there are always ample volunteers seeking you out, young and old. Ma Tovu?

The other thing I marvel at is the miracle of modern medicine. Unfortunately, as I mentioned before, giving birth is not my strength. And, I have to be thankful to Hashem that I was placed in this generation and not in a past generation.

That is it for now. I want to wish everyone a Shabbat Shalom, a Good Shabbos, and that we only celebrate smachot together.

Next. . . back to our regular programming.


BrooklynWolf said...

Mazal Tov! I'm so happy to hear that everyone is happy and healthy (not to mention snuggly, calm and content).

May she be a source of nachas and pleasure for you and your husband for many, many, many years to come.

All the best! And Welcome back!

The Wolf

RaggedyMom said...

Mazel tov! Glad to hear that everyone's well!

Ezzie said...

Mazel Tov! :) Refuah shleimah, and we're confident that you will raise your children quite well.

BubbyT said...

mazel tov.

mother in israel said...

Mazal tov!! Glad you are back.

Anonymous said...

Mazal tov! Can I say 'asach yidishe nachas' to someone who is sephardi?

Anonymous said...

Mazal Tov!

queeniesmom said...

Mazel Tov! May you have lots of joy, happiness and laughter with your newest addition.

Hope you're starting to feel better.

Wishing you and your family all the very best.

Anonymous said...

Mazel tov (again) glad that you're feeling up to a post. Your Budgetting tool #1 piece was included in the winter issue of Kallah Magazine, which went to the printer this morning. I'll be happy to mail you a copy when it is ready.

Orthonomics said...

men-I'll take the Yiddishe Nachas wish as your bracha.

Ariella-I will be waiting by the mailbox!

Everyone-Thanks for the wishes.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy every moment and MAZEL TOV! I wanna be next! :)

Anonymous said...

Mazal Tov

Anonymous said...

mazel tov and may you continue to feel well and much nachas from your baby and other children!